Sonntag, 8. April 2012


Schnell mal Frohe Ostern an Euch alle :) Oster-Basteleien kann ich aus Zeitgründen erst später einstellen. Ich hoffe, Ihr habt schöne Tage, fröhliches Eiersuchen, einigermaßen gutes Wetter und nur liebe Leute um Euch rum. Liebe Grüße Gaby Wanted to post a quick Happy Easter to all of you :) I'll be able to post easter-crafts only later on. I hope, you'll have great days, happy egg-hunting, a bit of good weather and kind and nice people around! Warm EasterWishes, Gaby

Häkel-Anleitung / Crochet Pattern: Ravelry: Easter Marshmallow Bunnies

2 Kommentare:

Est xxx hat gesagt…

Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment on my blog, just off to have a look around yours now :-) xx

Anonym hat gesagt…

I just added this feed to my bookmarks. I have to say, I very much enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks!